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The Body Shop: in-store digital experience


Our project creates an immersive sensory experience in The Body Shop using digitally augmented surfaces. With the aim to design an engaging way to tell The Body Shop's brand story, exploration were done to bring out the thoughtful production process of their products. 


Placement of Projectors

Placement of Sensors

Allowing customers to ‘make their own almond milk and honey body butter’, they are transported into the relevant habitats for first-hand engagement of ethical harvesting practices.


Customers interact with the digital world through different types of hand cupping gestures, emphasizing on the power they hold in reducing their consumer footprint.

At the end, a sample is dispensed, allowing customers to bring a piece of the digital world into the physical world, triggering their memory of this experience and driving reflection even after leaving the store.

Project on in-store digitally-augmented surfaces,

under the guidance of Prof. Nakayama Yuta,

not in official collaboration with The Body Shop


Designed with Shanel Han

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